Rules & Regulations

Payment Information

Payment is expected on the first of the month. There is no pro-ration of rent. Please pay using our online portal.

Online Payment Portal

We proudly accept major credit cards and ACH payments through our platform, all of which are securely processed via Stripe. Your financial information is protected, and your transactions are handled with the utmost security, giving you peace of mind when making payments with us.

Late Fees

Late fees will be incurred after a 5-day grace period. After the 5-day period, you will be charged a $20 daily late fee.

Quiet Hours

Quiet hours are from 9 PM to 7 AM. Please keep noise from radios and other electronics to a minimum. Ensure your neighbors cannot hear your music or TV at any time. Generators should not be run at night.

Site Regulations

  • Only one RV per campsite.
  • A maximum of 2 guests per RV.
  • A maximum of 2 vehicles per campsite, all in running condition.
  • We reserve the right to refuse service based on the condition of the rig.

Structures and Modifications

  • No construction or addition of structures on the campsite is allowed without prior approval from the office.
  • All unapproved structures will be removed without warning.
  • Sewer hoses must be routed in an orderly manner, sealed with a foam gasket, and not inserted more than 6 inches into the sewer hole.
  • All water lines must have heat tape during winter to prevent freezing.

Trash and Pets

  • No trash cans are allowed at your campsite. Use the blue dumpsters located down Hancock Landing on the left-hand side.
  • Indoor pets are allowed in the park, but they must be on a leash and secured. Please pick up after your pets.

Park Rules

  • The speed limit is 10 MPH in the park. This should be obeyed at all times.
  • Do not drive behind camper spots due to drain fields.
  • Parking in the street is not permitted.
  • Fireworks and firearms, including pellet guns, BB guns, sling shots, bow and arrows, and crossbows, are not to be discharged in the park.
  • ATV’s, dirt bikes, and go-karts are not allowed to be driven in the park.

Emergency Contacts

If you have any after-hours utility problems, please call us at 912-282-5401. Do not work on them yourself.

Thank you for your cooperation and adherence to these rules and guidelines.